Vancouver Giants YouTube Challenge
The Vancouver Giants’ 2011 Teddy Bear Toss—where fans throw teddy bears out on the ice as donations for underprivileged kids—garnered over 10,000 teddy bears at last Thursday’s game. But the Vancouver Giants aren’t stopping their charitable giving there. Instead, they’ve issued the Vancouver Giants YouTube Challenge: Help this video (shown above) of the 2011 Teddy Bear Toss get 50,000 views by Christmas Day and the Vancouver Giants and White Spot will donate $5,000 to the Province’s Empty Stocking Fund and $5,000 to CKNW’s Orphan’s Fund!
What do you need to do to fulfill the Vancouver Giants YouTube Challenge? Just view the official Vancouver Giants’ 2011 Teddy Bear Toss video and promote it to your friends and family via Twitter and Facebook. It’s as simple as that!
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