Travel Blog

4 May

This Month in Whistler: The Local List

Whistler is like an onion. Start peeling off the layers of the four seasons, the big events and the well-known activities (skiing – we talk about skiing a LOT) and you’ll find a host of ever-changing natural wonders, fresh events and ideas for things to do that are a step or two off the well-beaten path.

We’ve done a whip round to bring you The Local List for this month in Whistler – a short sweet round up of the things we’re stoked to see and do this month, challenging you to get out and sample those moments that might not happen any other time of the year.

Whistler Bear Grazing on Grass

Wakey, wakey – Whistler’s black bears are waking from hibernation right now.

Ah May, season of possibilities, spring specials and first bike rides and hikes. Here we shed the last of our winter skin, and embrace the warmth of the sun once more. It’s quiet and there’s definitely some deals to be found – so what are we up to this month?

We’re going to the wild side:

  • The snow is melting, which means any hike to a river or waterfall is worth the effort
  • We’re spotting bears all over the place – bear viewing tours start May 15 for the best and safest way to view our favourite animals as they wake from hibernation. More tips on bear smart practices and what to do if you see a bear here
  • In related news, the skunk cabbage is growing fast…
  • …and the hummingbirds are back!

Spring thaw – time to sit by a river and listen for a while.

We’re getting active and adventurous:

  • Time to hit up the driving ranges to loosen up the swing, golf season is upon us! (Courses opening from May 1)
  • We’re going to go and find Lost Lake again.  Still some snow on trails at low elevations but hey – it’s an adventure. Train Wreck Trail is also good to go
  •  It’s daylight well past 8 PM now, which means our favourite pastime – chilling out on lakeside docks and watching the sun set
  • Chasing snow – the PEAK 2 PEAK Gondola is currently closed for regular maintenance, but we can’t wait until it reopens May 27 so we can check out the snow on Whistler and Blackcomb (you can still go spring sightseeing on Blackcomb)
  • We’re still skiing Blackcomb, right up to Gaper Day on May 22…
  • …which is neat because the Whistler Bike Park opens May 19. Double Play!

Alta Lake Lounging Whistler

Time for a catch up? Alta Lake, late evening.

We’re eating and drinking:

We’re hitting the shops:

Farmers Market in Upper Village Whistler

The first market of the year, held on the May Long Weekend. Where are the Jeggs?

We’re expanding our horizons:

Beer and Wine on the GLC Patio

New – the GLC all-weather patio.

We’re trying something NEW:

Let the biking begin! First toonie of the season coming right up.

We’re checking out these events:

Well, there you have it – a short list with the flavours of the month in Whistler. There’s a ton more to discover, so to to keep up to date with what’s on in town and find deals on accommodation, activities and more, visit

Whistler Village in May

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