Travel Blog

22 Mar

Yummy Mommy, Working Mom, Natural Mom or All of the Above?

Whistler is Awesome Welcomes Mommy Blogger Magda Kwaterska to the team!

A young girl when she moved with her family to Oakville, Ontario from Poland, Magda’s big smile and laugh made the transition easy, even without having mastered the English language.

After high school Magda was drawn to the West Coast lifestyle, and one season in Whistler quickly turned into two spending her summers serving on the sunny patios before returning to Guelph University to complete her BA.

The call of the West, the ocean and the mountains didn’t quiet and upon graduating University Magda was back in Whistler ready to embark on her career in Marketing Communications; with a graduate certificate in Public Relations rounding out her education. Her career over the last ten years has taken her through varied industries from communication agencies to luxury spa and arts and culture.

Happiest traveling, dancing (living rooms will do!) or sipping wine and eating good food with friends, Magda is inspired and happy. Squamish is now home and this year is a big one with a wedding in August, newborn daughter Adelaide almost ready to crawl and a Whistler marathon registration in the back of her head reminding her that spring is here, to get outside and hit the trails.

– Liza Walli 

1. You’ve been around Whistler for about a decade but now call Squamish home, what keeps you connected to Whistler? 

I’m connected to Whistler’s community, good friends I’ve made here and the abundance of activities offered. Where else could you spend your lunch hour skating, skate skiing or running? Not to mention dining at many of the tasteful local restaurants.

2. How do you like being a new mom? Can you introduce us to your family?

Motherhood is amazing but it’s not all sunshine and roses. I’ve been faced with constant influx of diapers, saying words I had never before verbalized to strangers (swaddle? nipples? plagiocephaly?), and counting poops, all of this of course on minimal sleep and my occasional breakdowns.  There is so much about motherhood no one told me about, or maybe I didn’t want to hear. It’s not until I had Adelaide (now five months old) that I found myself with stitches in places I didn’t know I had, hormones crashing down around me and my breasts growing at an alarming rate! The first few months seemed like 100-hour days blended together with every day being a journey and a miracle. Each day continues to be an experience and I’m lucky to share it with my supportive fiancé Evan, and our charming Olde English Bulldogge, Truman.

3. What has been the most surprising thing about being a mom? 

The most surprising thing about being a mom is how much it changes your perspective on life. Prior to having Addie I always thought that I would be the “working mom”, one that raises a family and works full time covered in baby vomit. I now realize that I’m setting myself up for an 80 hour work week and as I start to evaluate other moms, I’m not sure which mom I am.

There is the above-mentioned “working mom”, for whom I have a new found respect and admiration. Those moms work two full time jobs and make it seem easy as they attend board meetings and parent – teacher interviews.  There is the “yummy mommy”, who’s flawless bodies and healthy eating habits inspire me to want to be more like them as I indulge in wine, breads and an assortment of cheeses! There is the “natural mom”, who was born to have babies, those moms love pregnancies, they breast feed for 15 months, they know why their babies are crying and never forget to bring a change of clothes! I wish I was more like those moms.

I’m now not sure which mom I am, I’d like to think that I could be all of them. I do know that my five month old, blue eyed, two feet tall munchkin has made me question my perspective on the road ahead. I do believe and will aim to maintain a balance of work, play, love and life.

4. How has Truman adapted to life with Addie? 

Truman is a true gentleman. Even though he’s only two years old, he has a temperament of an 80-year-old man. He is kind and gentle and more interested in his chicken flavoured bone than the soft skin baby who’s stolen his thunder.

5. We’ve never run a Mommy Blog at WIA before, what kinds of things can we expect you to write about? 

I want to share my experiences of being a new mom in Whistler and the Sea to Sky. I will write about things I’ve done with Addie, such as workout classes, mom and baby group meetings, stroller accessible trails and walks, swimming classes, cross country skiing, and wedding planning with a five month old (four months away! yikes!). I hope the blog will act as a guide of things to do with babies around town and as a forum for local moms to share their experiences and guide me towards interesting activities, mom groups, etc.

Welcome to the team Magda! 

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