Travel Blog

14 Nov

Captured: November Camping At Sloquet Hot Springs

Yes winter season is about to start but I figured I could slip in one more camping trip this summer fall. This time the destination was Sloquet Hot Springs, which I must say is worth the 3 hour drive from Whistler, but works great as a overnighter as the campsite is surprisingly quite nice.

Good chance to test out some new tents as well.


Although we brought ample wood from home, there was quite a bit leftover from the previous weekend. The fire kept us toasty when not enjoying the thermal waters.


A downhill path from the campsite leads to this slippery bridge at the hot springs.


The heated water bubbles out of the ground before flowing over a small waterfall into the bathing pools.


Sloquet Creek flows nearby for those who want to take an ice cold dip. Ambient air temps were hovering around freezing so we abstained.


Its a great place for a candlelit soak.


We came back for a morning soak as well before driving back up the Lilloet River Rd.


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