Candy shops for spoiling your inner child in Montréal

The best thing about candy and cookie shops is that everyone leaves happy—and the ones in Montréal will have you squealing with delight! Here are nine magical places to lay your hands on your favourite sweets and sink your teeth into new discoveries.
Une photo publiée par Délices Érable CIE (@deliceserableetcie) le 3 Sept. 2016 à 6h25 PDT
Let your sweet tooth guide you to this shop featuring treats made from locally grown maple, honey and cranberries. Surprise your taste buds with honey-sriracha popcorn, followed by a calming course of creamy maple-leaf candy. You’ll also find an appetizing array of sticky spreads, jubilant jellies and high-end maple cream cookies.
Des sucettes au caramel avec du rose… On se demande bien pourquoi. #obsessioncaramel #stvalentin
Une photo publiée par @dinettenationale le 13 Févr. 2015 à 12h26 PST
Dinette Nationale offers a refined line of artisanal sweets, like fruit jellies, chewy nougat, suckers, homemade marshmallows and much more. In fact, you can even join their Sweet Savourer’s Society to receive a monthly assortment of treats, including seasonal products.
Une photo publiée par Bruno Lepetit (@brunolepetit) le 5 Janv. 2017 à 12h12 PST
Here, the storefront alone will send you back to the sweet days of childhood! Watch it or you’ll find yourself with your face planted against the window, drool trickling out the corner of your mouth. Step inside Sucre Bleu to find 500 types of bulk or packaged candies. You won’t know what flavour of Jelly Belly to choose!
Throwback Nerds boxes are awesome
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