Hot Art Wet City says Goodbye, Vancouver, with Bad People, and more
Folks at the 2016 CARDED! art party. Chris Bentzen/flickr photo.
Hot Art Wet City, one of the hippest galleries in the city, is closing. But there’s still plenty happening at the space on Main Street, at least until the end of this month.
From a final exhibit that features lurid, postcard-size art to the city’s most popular (and possibly only) amateur drawing night to an art-card trading show, Hot Art Wet City isn’t leaving quietly.
Bad People: Portraits of the Punishable, which opens tonight (March 3) with a reception, runs until March 18. The gallery’s last show, it features work by members of Vancouver artist collective Phantoms in the Front Yard. On their website, PitFY describe the exhibit thus: “Come see the worst, the naughtiest, the darkest, the damnedest, the shady, the skittish, the last and the least, yourself. We know you’ll take a thing or two away. With miniature pieces and their miniature prices, it may even be some art.”
Some of the art on display in the final exhibit at Vancouver’s Hot Art Wet City gallery.
On March 10, local comic Graham Clark presents Graham Clark Presents… Hopefully the talented Clark will find another venue for the monthly event, which in the past has presented such shows as “Graham Clark Reads the Phonebook” and “Graham Clark Presents the Amazing Future.”
In Vancouverite, Brent Constantine and Amber Harper-Young host a show “featuring some of the city’s best local comedians’ stories about Vancouver, adjusting to life here, and leaving home.” It’s last appearance at HAWC is March 11.
And the very funny Alicia Tobin is hosting two more shows at the gallery. In Funnier People, Tobin presents people whom she calls “funnier than me… way funnier.” On March 17, she presents the last (at Hot Art Wet City, at least) edition of her popular Come Draw With Me, described as “an evening of drawings, laughings, sharings (not too much sharing) huggings (no way, gross), marker sniffing, and friendships. Part comedy show, part art class… well, probably not. No talent required. Supplies provided. Fun times always had.”
Alicia Tobin is the host of amateur drawing night Come Draw With Me.
And finally, on March 24, the gallery hosts the ninth annual edition of the art card trading show CARDED! According to the Facebook event page, “The work of fifty artists is presented on trading cards and made available for art lovers to collect and trade. These 2.5″x3.5″ cards are displayed on the gallery wall and the audience is offered the opportunity to buy random cards in mixed packs of five for $5. If you purchase a pack that doesn’t have your desired card, get into some fast paced trading action with the people around you.”
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