Teen Angst Night: A Celebration of Really Bad Poetry and other Cringe-worthy Teen Memories
It’s not a phase mom, god – you just don’t understand!
Most people in their life have jotted down a poem or two to convey the unbearable angst they go through as teenagers. With hormones raging, sometimes all you need is a pad and paper to express those feelings that your parents just didn’t understand.
But, as we grow older and move away from the pain of growing up, it’s sometimes a good idea to look back and laugh hysterically at how melodramatic life was back then. Teen Angst is a comedy show that does just that, and does it well.
Full of comedy gold, Teen Angst Night is a comedic reading series where readers can share anything (poetry, songs, letters, journals, diary entries, essays, plays, lists, etc) as long as it is super embarrassing.
Teen Angst Night has been running in Vancouver since late 2001 and is hosted by local comedy legend Sara Bynoe. Much like a zit on your prepubescent skin, the event pops up randomly during the year – the next show is coming up quickly on Saturday, March 11 at the Fox Cabaret on Main Street.
Image courtesy of plaits | Flickr
On Saturday, eleven brave Vancouverites will take to the stage to read some of their best (i.e. worst) mementos from their youth. Part comedy show, part walk down memory lane, this show is one of the most notorious nights in Vancouver. It’s not all pretty, but that’s what makes it so funny.
“But is it real comedy? It most certainly is. People love to laugh and there are many routes to arrive at that destination. Is it traditional? It most certainly is not. It’s not what the average person envisions when they think of comedy. But regular shows would kill for these kinds of laughs.” Georgia Straight
If you’re looking for something different to do at night, the Teen Angst Show is definitely something to check out. Tickets are available online and are $10 in advance and $15 at the door.
Unfortunately for current teenagers, this event is 19+ only so you’ll just have to write in your journal about not being allowed in. Maybe one day you’ll get to read that journal entry at a future Teen Angst Night. We can hardly wait!
Teen Angst Night Quick Details
Date: Saturday, March 11, 2017
Time: Doors at 7:30pm | Show at 8:00pm
Location: Fox Cabaret (2321 Main Street)
Price: $10 in advance | $15 at the door
Tickets: Purchase on Eventbrite
Article source: http://www.insidevancouver.ca/2017/03/09/teen-angst-night-vancouver-march-2017/