Travel Blog

25 Nov

The Best Places to Find a Cab in Downtown Vancouver

photo: Google Images

photo: Google Images

populistPopulist is Vancouver’s cinematic city guide, showcasing everything that’s happening in the city through video – Your hub for where to go, what to do and who to see. Populist is run by Film and TV Producer, Rebecca Traub and Broadcast Journalist, Blanca Blandon (aka YinYang). Follow the fun at

Although this city is best explored by foot, sometimes a taxi is necessary. If you’re in a rush to get to your destination or (as happens to us often) if your phone is dead and you can’t call for a cab – here are a few landmark destinations where you’ll be able to hail down a taxi.

Photo: BCCTV

photo: BCCTV

7. Waterfront Station

While you can usually find a taxi at most skytrain stations, there’s no shortage at Waterfront. Find a line-up of cabs at both entrances, at the foot of Seymour on Cordova Street and on Granville and Pender/Hastings.


photo: Kevin Basran

photo: Kevin Basran

6. Granville and Davie

Granville Street is a magnet for cabs most any time of the day, especially on the weekend. If you’re enjoying a late night out on the strip, the best place to flag down a cab is at the end of Granville and Davie, just before the bridge.



Photo: Wikiwand

5. Robson Street

Carrying around all of those shopping bags can get pretty heavy. Don’t stress it. Shop ‘til you drop…into a cab.


photo: 604NOW

photo: 604NOW

4. Stanley Park

One of the most popular tourist attractions, there are always cabs throughout the park. You’re guaranteed to find one at Prospect Point.


Photo: Davie Village Post

photo: Davie Village Post

3. St. Paul’s Hospital

The hospital, really? Yea really. Although the cabs are there with the intent of picking up patients, they’re available to everyone.


photo: Google Street View

photo: Google Street View

2. Georgia and Beatty

Cabs constantly flow into the city off the Georgia Viaduct and you’ll have the best luck grabbing one along Georgia and Beatty!


photo: Shutterstock

photo: Shutterstock

1. Hotels

The best spot to find a taxi will always be at a hotel! Always!

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