Whistler Transit Launches “Safely Home”
Whistler Transit Ltd., a division of PWTransit, has announced the launch of their enhanced company identity Safely Home. Safety is a key core value of Whistler Transit and Safely Home is our declaration that we provide safe transportation for all our passengers. Safely Home is confirmation of their ongoing commitment to the Whistler community.
“Our dedicated teams are proud that PWTransit Canada is recognized as an industry leader in the delivery of safe, innovative and customer responsive people transportation services,” Kevin Stinson, Vice President, Transit Systems of Pacific Western Transportation commented.
To celebrate, Whistler Transit employees were invited to a ‘Family Day’ celebration on Saturday, September 21, at Bounce followed by a BBQ at the Whistler Transit Center. Also, it just so happens that Bounce is located at the old site of Whistler Transit Center. This event also celebrated the drivers, mechanics and other Whistler Transit staff members that have helped the community arrive Safely Home for two decades and will continue to provide this high level of service.
With winter just around the corner, it is important to remember that safety always comes first at Whistler Transit.
“I am pleased to announce the launch of our new Safely Home branding which reinforces the commitment by our transit staff to our passengers in Whistler,” said Steve Antil, Service Delivery Manager, Whistler Transit.
Operating since 1993, Whistler Transit provides over 60,000 Service Hours, serving nearly three million passengers annually. More information can be seen on their website.
Whistler Transit’s New Logo
Article source: http://www.whistlerisawesome.com/2013/09/23/whistler-transit-launches-safely-home/