Travel Blog

20 May


habs montreal

The Montreal Canadiens skated to victory last night against the Boston Bruins in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup playoffs. As expected, the city went wild. Here are 10 of the best post-win pictures from the glorious afterparty…

montreal canadiens habs mtlmoments

A nimble Habs fan scales the Boer War Memorial statue in the middle of Dorchester Square in downtown Montreal to hang a Habs flag. (Photo by marief_halley)

montreal canadiens habs win game 7 tourisme montreal montreal moments

A sea of screaming red at the Bell Centre where the game was being live streamed from Boston. So loud they could definitely hear us across the border. (Photo by jomz_a)

downtown saint catherine montreal canadiens game

A flurry of fans take to Saint Catherine Street in celebration. (Photo by momosalahi)

boston cream montreal canadiens

A Habs fan holds up a near empty box of Boston Cream doughnuts from Tim Hortons. Victory never tasted so good. (Photo by nguyentht)

paris montreal habs fans

P.K. Subban fans celebrate… IN PARIS! (Photo by rootsdarock)


“Turn down for what!?” Habs fans celebrate at the newly opened Moose Bawr on Saint Catherine. (Photo by apex_immortal)

montreal canadiens bruins game 7

#GoHabsGo #Winning #Montreal #RangersYoureNext (Photo by cultmtl)

saint catherine - montreal

Streets of downtown Montreal flooded with cheering fans after the game. (Photo by lilscafe)

ogilvy montreal game 7

Crowding around outside the historic Ogilvy department store on the corner of De La Montagne Saint Catherine. (Photo by riettebacon)

montreal habs police tourisme montreal

Even while keeping the crowds under control, some police officers can’t help but celebrate the Canadiens win too. (Photo by krstndnl)

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