Volunteer with Some Friendly, Cute and Cuddly Animals
Image courtesy of Kathleen Tyler Conklin | Flickr.com
If you’ve always wanted a dog or cat, but you’ve never wanted to deal with the commitment than comes with owning an animal, the BC SPCA has the perfect solution for you. This year, why not spend some of your extra time volunteering at your local shelter to earn some valuable karma points and give some companionship to some cute cats, puppies or other smaller animals.
The BC SPCA is always looking for volunteers to fill their positions that include:
Walking dogs and throwing sticks (canine companion):
For all dog lovers, spend a few hours a week spending time by providing a clean kennel, exercise and play time. You will get to interact with dogs and puppies, and learn more about dog behavior. A great idea for someone who is interested in adopting a dog, but isn’t sure what kind to choose. (more info)
Stroking backs and dangling string (cat companion):
For all cat and kitten lovers, a cat companion position includes helping provide a clean cage, food, water, exercise and play time for kittens and cats. You’ll get free time to play with the animals and devote your attention to a cute, furry kitty. (more info)
Snapping photos and editing shots (photographer):
Perhaps one of the most important positions is the photographer, responsible for taking photos that will pull at your heartstrings and promote adoption. As a photographer for the BC SPCA, you will take photographs of the animals in care, helping greatly with the adoption of animals, and reuniting lost animals with their owners. (more info)
Sharing your home (fostering):
When the SPCA runs out of room in their shelters, the Foster Care Program steps up to the plate, helping thousands of injured and abandoned animals. Fosters can help house animals who are either too young, sick, injured, or under socialized to survive in the shelter environment. If you are wondering if your home would work for an animal, the foster program is perfect because they provide food, litter, and any medicine that the animal may need. (more info)
BC SPCA branches are also constantly in need of dog walkers to give their dogs the exercise and socialization they both need and look forward to. It doesn’t take a lot of time, it’s fun, and the rewards are endless!
To learn more about volunteering at the BCSPCA, click here.
Article source: http://www.insidevancouver.ca/2013/12/29/bc-spca-volunteer-dog-walking/