Travel Blog

2 Dec

Find out what’s happening for the holidays, and enter to win during Vancouver’s Entertainment Season!


From fall through festive December, Vancouver launches the city’s great theatrical, dance and musical programming, Christmassy attractions, glittering displays, NHL Hockey and more.  Vancouver’s Entertainment Season celebrates it all on one page, featuring the best this time of year has to offer.

It’s also one way to pre-book your Dine Out Vancouver 2015 experience by booking a special Dine Out Vancouver hotel rate or package, even though the restaurant reservations don’t officially open until January (pssst….makes a great Christmas gift for someone special).

And right now, when you check out Vancouver’s Entertainment Season, you will also find your chance to win the VES Prize, including two night’s stay, theatre experience and public market tour. So take in the lights, the sights, the ice, the treats and the eats, but find it all in one place… Vancouver’s Entertainment Season.

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