Travel Blog

16 Oct

Meet the Maker: Sasha Pellow

Meet the Maker is a series focusing on showcasing and supporting Squamish designers, artists and creatives. Introducing Sasha Pellow, the woman behind Sasha Eillenna Jewelry

RB: Tell me a bit about who you are and what you design.

SE: My name is Sasha Pellow and I’m a jewelry designer and photographer.  I live in Squamish with my pup Cupcake.

RB: How did you get to where you are today?

SE: Lots of very hard work, determination and really believing in myself. I also had a lot of amazing people helping me along the way.

RB: If you could choose one word to describe your collection what would it be.

SE: Warrior – I design for the warrior women who live life to the fullest and always try to do their best.

RB: Morning routine?

SE: Tea, then more tea. Then 2 more cups of tea. Then a dog walk with cupcake and then to work to create and design.

RB: Where do you find your inspiration?

SE: I find inspiration in all my surrounds. Especially with how beautiful Squamish is. Bali and Mexico are also very close to my heart, so much comes from there as well. I draw a lot of inspo from all the strong amazing women in my life as well. I really just design all the things I love and want to share with people.

RB: Is there a designer with whom you’d love to collaborate?

SE: I would love to colab with artist and friend Matt McCormick. He makes incredible lighting that inspires me so much.

RB: Future plans?

SE: Open an office in Squamish and employ and bunch of awesome people. I want to help create jobs in Squamish. I see an office with 10-20 people working. I’d also like to reach out to women with endometriosis and give them the option to work from home.

RB: And finally, I have to ask: How do you like your grilled cheese sandwiches?

SE: I love them with shredded cheese and a very large amount of ketchup.









You can check out Sasha’s collection online, locally at Devlin Salon and Wild and Heart and at the November 22 Refresh Market at the West Coast Railway Heritage Park.

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