The Proof: Jaime Pope
My name is Jaime Pope and I have lived in Whistler for 7 years. I have been making art in endless different forms for as long as... Continue Reading
AWARE.: definitely not a WASTE
With Ken Melamed’s upcoming speaker series on the history of habitat conservation in the Whistler Valley, we figured it was an opportune time to look... Continue Reading
Food & Wine: Lucky to Be Alive & Living in Whistler
There are those events that make you just feel lucky to be alive and livin’ in Whistler! In celebration of our hometown vino guru, Araxi... Continue Reading
The Proof: Samera Gibson
Samera Gibson is a local artist, BC native living mostly in Squamish. Pretty much stoked to just make art, Sam draws all her inspiration mostly... Continue Reading
Whistler at a Tipping Point? Speaker Series Interview with Steve Andrews
Every good story needs an inciting incident, the act or event plunging the story’s main character into tension and forces them to change or die.... Continue Reading
Which comes first, the Nudist or the Squat?
The kind of questions that arise when debating our community’s heritage are, well, unique. We held our annual celebration of Whistler’s history, Icon Gone, on Wednesday and... Continue Reading
Can’t Make First Chair? 10 Tips & Tricks to Getting There First
For the afternoon crowd who lurk around these parts you should know that, with a small amount of extra discipline, you can make first chair... Continue Reading
Momentum Camps Team Up with the Sarah Burke Foundation
Momentum Ski Camps, in partnership with the Sarah Burke Foundation, is launching the 2nd annual ‘Spirit of Sarah Scholarship’. The training scholarship was set up to... Continue Reading
What is Whistler’s Greatest Icon?
Jack Crompton as Jeanie the Bear at last year’s Icon Gone. What heights will this year’s competitors go to? Icon [AHY-kon] noun: A person, place... Continue Reading
Miss Whis: WSSF wants YOU!
The 18th annual World Ski and Snowboard Festival is rolling around quicker than ever this year! (either that, or time’s just flying faster with every... Continue Reading