Travel Blog

1 May

The Proof: Silas Kirchmayer

Even though I grew up in the lower mainland of BC, I had never skied or ridden Whistler before I moved here in 2001. So while falling in love with snowboarding at a small resort like Ski Hemlock, the idea of moving to the biggest and best mountains in the world seemed like a good idea. Not knowing it would be the most wonderful idea ever, I only planned on being here for at least a winter season. 12 years later and I’m still in love with this giant playground.

It has been an incredible journey. As to where I am now in my life, I have been shaped into who I am through my friends, family and all the activities that I enjoy.

Most of my wood cutting is inspired by my lovely girlfriend Chantelle Pellerin (Artist and outdoor enthusiast). Also I have had help and guidance from my good friend Tom Eddie. In the beginning there has been some trial and error, but it has become natural over a short time.

Although I do like some solitude I mostly enjoy sharing adventures with my lady and with our friends. Even though I usually keep my excitement inside, I’m always having a good time and am thrilled to share our experiences.

The Photos
01  Silas, man of the woods.  From the Greek name Silvanus, which means ‘forest’ or ‘woods’.
Leroy, king of the house. of the French origin Le Roi, meaning ‘king’.
02  ‘The Family’.  Chantelle, Lola, Leroy and myself make quite the good looking foursome.
03  Of course I prefer long pow laps with my friends, but I also enjoy landing on my feet in the terrain parks.
04  Biking with friends is very entertaining and most enjoyable.
05  Concentration is key.
06  I do my best to manipulate these instruments in order to create items that everyone can enjoy.
07  Some examples of frames, shelves and Chantiliers.
08  Like many other talented people in this town I enjoy taking photos.  I call this one ‘Chantilope from Heaven’.


The Questions
What neighborhood do you live in?
I reside in a nice quiet Alpine neighborhood.  Actually it is quite a creative and artist neighborhood as I live doors down from the talented Love Jules Leather team, as well as the artistic Joan Baron.

What do you do and where?
I cook at the Rimrock Cafe, cut wood at my place, bike on the many trails in our valley and snowboard on the majestic mountains I call home.

What are you working on?
I have just finished a collaborative project for the ‘State of the Art’ show and am due for a short break.  A spring cleaning is probably in order.

Where can we find your work?
I have collaborative work up now at the ‘State of the Art’ show in the Whistler Conference Center, Farfalla Salon, and in the homes of friends and clients. for collaboration pieces.

Instagram: @sileeto


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