Travel Blog

11 Jul

This Week’s Featured Vancouverite: Andy Dixon

Hometown: North Vancouver, BC

How long have you been a Vancouverite?
That depends if you count North Vancouver – if so, 32 years, if not, 12 years.

I’m an artist. I work in paint, mixed media, sound, and music. I might be what you’d call an outsider artist since I’m drawn to the idea that the impulse of expression has greater value than skill and competency.You can check out my work at

Your best Vancouver haiku:
It’s Narduar versus
Chris-a-riffic live on air
Candy for our ears

Top insider tip for visitors:
You can park for free downtown at Tinseltown (as long as you exit through the mall in case the parking fuzz is eyeballin’ you).

Best way to spend $25 in Vancouver:
Buy a bottle of La Bastide at Brewery Creek for $12 and brown-bag it along the seawall. See a movie at Pacific Cinematheque for $10.50 (continue brown-bagging). Head to the Waldorf for Cam Reed’s rap night, Yolo (you don’t have enough money left for the cover so you’ll have to text him for a guest list spot. In fact you won’t be able to buy a drink either. You shouldn’t have seen that movie, I guess).

Photo of Andy Dixon is courtesy of Jason Lang

Do you know someone who would be a great featured Vancouverite? Let us know in the comment box below!

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