Travel Blog

27 Mar

Whistler Sabbatical Week 1

TAG: Whistler Sabbatical Project

Posted by: Feet Banks


The good fortune continues for Whistler Sabbatical Project winner “Lucky” Luke Dillon and his ski buddy Tim. In their first week in Whistler, over a metre of fresh snow fell and the boys hooked up with Extremely Canadian owner Peter Smart for some steep and deep freeskiing clinics.

“Peter Smart is more comfortable on skis than most people are on two feet,” Luke says. “He showed us parts of the mountain that really get your heart racing.”

“If a five tonne cornice directly over your head doesn’t get your heart pounding, you are either very brave or very stupid,” adds Tim. “Pete says things like, “watch the rocks, and the cliff…Trust me you don’t want to go over the cliff.'”

“A couple of runs with Pete and some of his tips and tricks really had a huge impact on our confidence and technique,” Luke says.”It was extremely challenging and equally rewarding. A day with Extremely Canadian means proper skiing; you will never look at snow the same way again.”

Check out this short video of Luke, Tim and Peter making the most of a week’s worth of fresh.

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